T4H4 Switch - This user-installed T4H4 Switch gives you 45 pickup tones from four standard (*) two wire pickups (HSSS).You get two groups of mini switches (five in total). Four white mini switches independently control each humbucker. Toggle between in-phase, out-of-phase, on or off, offering precise tonal control. One black two-way toggle switch places the pickups between parallel and series configurations, shaping your overall tone.
This intuitive system delivers 45 unique tone combinations, perfect for musicians seeking dynamic versatility and tonal innovation.
Customer Feedback
Customer said: "I don't think I'll be able to ever go back to a blade switch!"
Easy To Install
- You mount the switch and connect your pickup wires to the switch
- You connect your volume-tone control to the switch
- You start exploring all the pickup tones now available to you.
Your existing volume-tone control may need to be rewired. (Instructions show you how. We also have separate volume-tone controls.)
Also requires six 1/4" diameter holes. Each hole is 1/2" center-to center. A Drill Hole Template is included with your purchase.
What You Get
- One assembled and tested T4 Switch
- Parts bag
- URL for Instructions you download from our Document Library
Tools Needed
You need the following tools.
- Wire cutters / wire strippers; pliers
- Phillips & straight slot screwdriver
- Ohmmeter to measure continuity
- Electric drill; 9/32; 1/2; 1/4; 1/16 drill bits; center puch
- Soldering iron (25 watt) with fine tip; rosin core solder
* Special Note:
The following pickups do not work with our switching system products.
- 3-wire pickups
- Noiseless pickups
- Active pickups
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