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Looking For That Elusive Signature Sound? Want 68 Pickup Tones From Your Stratocaster and clone guitars? This PROteus SSSS Ultimate Upgrade Is Exactly What You Want! This is the ultimate Session Players Dream Machine. Now you only need one upgraded guitar that will give you all the pickup tones you 've ever desired!


This AMI upgrade is the Ultimate ToneRannosaurus Rex upgrade that gives you a Grand Canyon Wide range of several dozen Blues; Jazz; Metal; Surf; Country - plus all the new and different pickup tones you have never heard before.


Our product provides:

* Advanced engineering using printed circuit boards to eliminate point-to-point wiring errors.

Pro Treble Bleed: keeps your brilliance even at low volume. 

* Hi-performance ceramic pickups (for loaded version) 

* VT-2 500K Bourns control

* Six mini switches to put each pickup Off or On, in normal-phase or reverse-phase, and in Parallel or Series (things a blade switch cannot do.) 

* Our T4 Switch (68 tones) gives your pickups Hammond B3 drawbar versatility. This upgrade gives you control over each of the standard (*) four pickup coils to give you an amazing several dozen pickup tone combinations. This is like an artist finding several dozen more different colors of paint to work with. 


This upgrade also lets you put the pickups you select in series for added girth and a bump in output to highlight those riff passages or put greater focus on that killer solo. It's like having several dozen different guitars rolled into one to give you a huge arsenal of more pickup tones. You'll get snappy highs; snarly mids; chime; Tele twang; and more - all available at your fingertips.

Here are the simple steps to install this product.

* For "bare" version, install your pickups

* Remove your strings and confirm the upgrade will lay flat when installed (see the below Special Note)

* Connect your output jack wires to the marked wires on this product
* Connect your bridge ground wire to the output jack ground wire
* Re-attach the upgrade and start using the several dozen pickup tones now available to you.


Choice of two versions

* Bare version (use your own pickups)

* Loaded version (includes our high output ceramic pickups)


Each upgrade choice also includes the following.

* Parts bag
* URL to download easy-to-follow installation and use instructions from our website Document Library


Special Note: This upgrade requires a "swimming pool" body cavity for correct fit. Your purchase means you are OK with - and accept - this requirement.

Tools You may Need:

* Wire cutters / wire strippers
* Pliers
* Phillips & straight slot screwdriver


* Special Note:
The following pickups do not work with our switching system products. 

  • 3-wire pickups
  • Noiseless pickups
  • Active pickups


Customer Feedback

I installed the upgrade in my guitar last night. WOW!  It sounds amazing, thank you for an incredible product. -- Jose Amaro


Makes your Upgraded guitars Hard to put down. GUARANTEED!

Nothing is Better!


AMI PROteus SSSS Stratocaster Upgrade Gives You 68 Pickup Tones

Excluding Sales Tax

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