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Would You Like To TRIPLE Your Playing Enjoyment?


This user-installed T2P Switch gives you 4 pickup tones from your Precision Bass or clone.


Uses two mini switches to put both pickup coils in normal phase or reverse phase; as well as put pickup coils in a Parallel or Series circuit. 


Customer Feedback

Your upgrade just made this the bass of my dreams.


Easy To Install

You rewire the pickups by cutting the wire that connects the two "P" coils and attach extra wire (supplied) using the included solderless terminal connectors. This separates the "P" pickup into two separate pickup coils. Use an ohmmeter to confirm that the wires connected to the pickups read continuity. 


Once rewiring is completed; 

  1. You mount the switch and connect your pickup wires to the switch
  2. You connect your volume-tone control to the switch
  3. You start exploring all the pickup tones now available to you. 


Picture shows what it looks like installed. Your existing volume-tone control may need to be rewired. 


Also requires two 1/4" diameter holes. Each hole is 1/2" center-to center. A Drill Hole Template is included with your purchase. 


What You Get

  • One assembled and tested T2P Switch
  • Parts bag
  • URL for Instructions you download from our Document Library


Tools Needed

You need the following tools. 

  • Wire cutters / wire strippers; pliers
  • Phillips & straight slot screwdriver
  • Ohmmeter to measure continuity
  • Electric drill; 9/32; 1/2; 1/4; 1/16 drill bits; center puch
  • Soldering iron (25 watt) with fine tip; rosin core solder


Makes your Upgraded PBass Hard to put down. GUARANTEED!

Nothing is Better!



T2P Switch Gives You 4 Pickup Tone From Your Precision Bass

SKU: 120ap
Excluding Sales Tax

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