Would You Like To TRIPLE Your Playing Enjoyment?
Upgrade gives you 35 pickup tones from your SSS Stratocaster or clone.
Our "bare" version (in four colors) to use your standard (*) pickups.
Has Pro Treble Bleed: keeps your brilliance even at low volume.
Six mini switches to put each pickup Off or On, in normal-phase or reverse-phase, and in Parallel or Series (things a blade switch cannot do.) Do you want six times MORE pickup tones?
Customer Feedback
After installing this upgrade in my Stratocaster, I stayed up all night playing it. -- Alvin Sears
Easy To Install
- Connect your pickup wires to the solderless terminal strip
- Connect your output jack wires to the upgrade wires
- Start exploring all the pickup tones now available to you.
What You Get
- One assembled and tested bare Stratocaster upgrade
- Parts bag
- URL to download Instructions from our Document Library
Note 1: For American & MIM Stratocaster models. Other models or clones may need minor wood removal or mounting holes redrilled. Your purchase means you are OK with this possibility.
Note 2: Loaded Stratocaster versions are also available.
* Special Note:
The following pickups do not work with our switching system products.
- 3-wire pickups
- Noiseless pickups
- Active pickups
Tools Needed
You need the following tools.
- Wire cutters, wire strippers, pliers
- Phillips & straight slot screwdriver
Makes your Upgraded guitars Hard to put down. GUARANTEED!
Nothing is Better!