Would You Like To TRIPLE Your Playing Enjoyment?
Upgrade gives you 35 pickup tones from your Paranormal Cyclone guitar.
Six mini switches to put each pickup Off or On, in normal-phase or reverse-phase, and in Parallel or Series (things a blade switch cannot do.) Do you want six times MORE pickup tones?
Customer Feedback
How perfect is this? Every possible sound from my favorite guitar. -- George Ward
Easy To Install
- Connect your standard pickup wires to the solderless terminal strip
- Connect your volume-tone control wires to the upgrade
- Connect your output jack wires to the upgrade
- Start exploring all the pickup tones now available to you.
What You Get* One assembled and tested bare Paranormal Cyclone upgrade
* Parts bag
* URL to download Instructions from our Document Library
Tools Needed
You need the following tools.
- Wire cutters, wire strippers, pliers
- Phillips & straight slot screwdriver
- Hammer, wood chisel
- Ohmmeter to measure continuity
* Special Note:
The following pickups do not work with our switching system products.
- 3-wire pickups
- Noiseless pickups
- Active pickups
Makes your Upgraded guitars Hard to put down. GUARANTEED!
Nothing is Better!